A Place of Healing – A Voice of Hope.

Helping faith communities show support for victims of domestic violence.

Since Lydia’s House first opened its doors, faith communities have played an integral role in our life and ministry. Faith communities provide donations, volunteers and meals, and support the mission and ministry of Lydia’s House. Faith groups also play an important role to those who are affected by domestic violence, because many women who have been abused identify with a particular faith tradition or belong to a religious congregation.

This means churches, synagogues, mosques and other gathering places have the opportunity to address domestic violence from the perspective of their faith tradition. Misinterpretation of sacred texts and collusion with abusers may be discussed in the context of worship or the community at-large. Faith communities can also take a stand against domestic violence — and show their support for those who have been abused. To learn more about how your faith group can support Lydia’s House, please call (314) 771-4411 or email development@lydiashouse.org.

Make an Instant Impact.

Consider making a donation or collecting an offering from your congregation for Lydia’s House. Your tax-deductible donation helps us provide safety for women and children in need.

How Your Faith Community Can Help



Creating a Safe Space:

Outreach & Mission: